First Mining Drc-Zambia Sep/Oct 2017 FMDRC-Zambia Sep Oct | Page 48
Products &
Top-of-the-range wastewater ltration
systems for mining practises
Environmental compliance is being enforced treatment, since they were rst introduced in
stringently upon industries as water becomes the industry. A signi cant amount of research
According to Jansen van Rensburg, I-CAT
an increasingly scarce and expensive and development goes into improving these Environmental Solutions uses a combination
commodity. Recycling water for re-use in technologies. Most recently mechanical of technologies to provide its clients with the
work processes has become a viable alternative evaporation systems, which ensure effective best and most cost effective solutions, while
to pure treatment and discharge for many and environmentally safe reduction in excess maintaining a consistent awareness of the
companies required to comply with strict wastewater for the mining industry, have also environment, energy and social demands.
water license stipulations. come to the forefront of water management in “Our ltration systems are cost effective, as
recent years.
services are increasing in demand for an ever
they have no recurring chemical costs, require
low maintenance and are self-cleaning. e
Environmental and resource management
I-CAT director of business development and
technology we use is considered world-
growing population, with deteriorating marketing Lourens Jansen van Rensburg leading, affordable and effective. We have
infrastructure and loss of essential skills in indicates that the company, which caters for developed solutions to clean process water
maintenance, as well as management. ere is both local and international markets, has been where many older technologies and processes
a massive demand for skills development in awarded several contracts to monitor, manage have failed.”
the water industry, not only in education and and recycle water at several mining groups
social understanding about the natural over the years. “Our methods are preferred
I-CAT Environmental Solutions distributes
resources, but also in maintenance and proper because we do not believe in using or adding Hy ux Kristal hollow bre ultra ltration (UF)
management of the current and existing chemicals to wastewater to purify it or to get it membranes and AZUD ltration systems,
infrastructures. to discharge standard. We make mechanical which are industrial wastewater ltration
puri cation systems and have an excellent solutions. e Kristal UF membrane is
Trends and technological advances in Ultra technical and design team that is focused on installed as a pre- ltration solution that is
ltration (UF) and Nano- ltration membranes
have come a long way as solutions for water
Sep - Oct 2017
innovation and coming up with solutions for designed to remove all suspended solids from
challenging projects.” the water. e AZUD range of ltration