First Mining Drc-Zambia Sep/Oct 2017 FMDRC-Zambia Sep Oct | Page 46
Products &
Process Control is improved using real-time analysis
Plant control is most effective when online
control, iron ore mines in South Africa use
provide the added bene t of live data to ne
technologies measure process streams directly analysers to measure and manage ore and tune operational performance. Although
and preferably in real time. Sampling coarse product quality, copper mines in central Africa reducing variability of ore or product quality
conveyed ows is expensive and impractical at use moisture monitors for process control, can be expensive and time consuming,
many operations. Scantech, an Australian cement plants in western Africa use analysers operators know that consistency in quality is
company specialising in on-conveyor analysers, for stockpile control, while coal mines and desirable in products used in further
has supplied such analysis systems to the coal power stations in southern Africa use analysers processing. Further, in bulk mining operations
and cement industry since the early 1980s. Real to monitor and control coal qualites.
time analysis technologies for conveyed bulk
materials have been used in the minerals
Real time, non-contact, full stream, continuous by-pass a bene ciation process to reduce
treatment costs.
industry for about 15 years. For example, analysis provides measurements used to
phosphate plants in northern Africa use on-line control quality variability in processing
elemental analysers for phosphate rock quality operations without physical sampling and
Sep - Oct 2017
(such as coal, iron ore, bauxite, limestone,
phosphate) direct shipping quality material can
Scantech International real time analysers