First Mining Drc-Zambia Sep/Oct 2017 FMDRC-Zambia Sep Oct | Page 33
Tech &
Digital innovation driving growth in DRC mining sector
Digital innovation is driving transformation management. All of which requires real this approach enables end-users to combine
within the local mining sector. is shi, connectivity in remote areas to succeed.” optimal speed, monthly data usage and budget:
He s ays t hat t his quest for improved various cases that suits the speci c
according to leading converged ICT solutions
provider, iWayAfrica, is driving growth and
“e mining sector can now deploy satellite for
becoming a key differentiator within the productivity is driving the mining industry to requirements. is includes single or multi-site
Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC). implement more automated systems and seek connectivity, real-time monitoring systems,
With over 25 international mining groups greater IT integration: “Real-time monitoring, o cc asiona l WiFi us age or as b ack-up
active in the region, the mining sector has health and safety systems, security services, connectivity.”
become signi cant as it is also widely known for online customs clearance and access to ERP the world's production of cobalt, copper, applications are among the key mining issues An integral and integrated part of the
diamond, tantalum, tin, and gold. being addressed through digital innovation.” iWayAfrica service portfolio, satellite last mile
Mr. Ali Bofulo, Managing Director, iWayAfrica, While the market has responded to the existing bre MPLS networks to provide remote
connectivity is seamlessly incorporated into
says that mining accounts for the DRC's largest changing landscape in a multitude of ways, Mr site connectivity to regional head offices for a
source of export income and is an important Bofulo says that iWayAfrica, together with multitude of applications. A back-up and
and growing sector: “While the region is ripe parent company, Gondwana International business continuity service is also available.
with opportunity, reliable, adaptable and Networks (GIN), launche d a s atel lite Called Jola SOS, this is a low-cost, always-on
ubiquitous connectivity is a critical enabler for a communications Hub in South Africa to offer 10Mbps VSAT back-up link, with xed data
digital innovation roadmap. is is especially its new pan-regional Ku-band satellite service, allowances that can be topped up as and when
rel e v ant to t he m i n i ng s e c tor, w he re Jola: “is service is available across Sub- required. Provisioned with automated
connectivity requirements are more than just Saharan Africa via authorised partners of switchover to and from satellite, Jola SOS is
linking a remote site to a regional or global head iWayAfrica, and provides lower latency for designed to complement existing
Intra-Africa traffic. is enables and improved wireless networks.
bre or
the use of ERP applications. It also has the
If the DRC is to evolve, embrace digital potential to provide the technology boost “Satellite has long been used as an access
innovation and increase its mining production, mining requires to stay competitive and technology by mining and exploration
technology issues such as connectivity need to innovative.”
companies in establishing communications in
be addressed. is is becoming more relevant,
remote sites. Now these same companies can
according to Mr Bofulo, as organisations look to Leveraging Intelsat 28 Ku-Band coverage and leverage off enhancements in the satellite
technology as a means to differentiate: “Internet utilising efficient and leading technology on the industry to implement their own digital
of ings, among other digital technologies, ground, Jola offers the widest coverage access innovation strategies in the same remote
have started driving increased automation and across sub-Saharan Africa with the most locations,” says Mr Bofulo.
system reporting for performance and yield exible service offering. Mr Bofulo says that
Sep - Oct 2017