First Mining Drc-Zambia Sep/Oct 2017 FMDRC-Zambia Sep Oct | Page 27
Hydropower is the primary electricity supply has established partnerships with local and through the Port of Durban in South Africa.
mode for Zambia accounting for 95% power international rms to invest USD 4.7 billon. e Zambian government is also planning to
is investment is expected to double power Africa with copper producers to move use rail
rainy season Zambia whereas the mining sector capacity to 4,203MW within six years. Kafue, as the primary mode of transportation.
of Zambia is highly productive during the Gorge Lower Hydro Project, the largest of
invest USD120 to revamp rail line linking South
production. e height of electricity generation
occurs usually in the rst half of the year during
second half of the year when the generation of power projects is a joint venture between
hydropower is lower. SINOHYDRO of China and ZESCO to
generate 750MW of power at a cost of USD 2
e load shedding is responsible for decreasing project will complete in 2018.
Investment Opportunities In Zambia Mining
Investment prospects in the mining sector of
Zambia include:
roughly consumed as much as 60% of total
generated power of Zambia. Zambia Electricity
Uranium: In Zambia, there are
various uranium deposits available
the overall efficiency of mining sectors that
in different areas. Many companies
Zambia Mining Railways Network
have carried out uranium
Rail network is very crucial for mineral-
Supply Corporation (ZESCO) is the sole exploiting economies like Zambia, being the explorations in Zambia with a
electricity producer. From 2005 to 2014, the most competitive mode of transport for time special focus on potential
demand increase has been in alignment with insensitive and bulk commodities such as mineralization in the Copperbelt,
ZESCO's 2006-2016 projects of further 100MW copper. Karoo Age sediments and the
Domes region of the Northwest
per annum. ZESCO current power production
capacity is however creating a persistent However the low traffic densities of Zambia's
problem for the mining sector. Zambia ful ls railway are below the viability threshold of at
the gap between electricity demand and
least 2 million tons per kilometer. is is Coal: coal is mined at the Maamba mine that
making it difficult to capture the revenues has 20 million metric tons of reserve. e coal
production by importing electricity from the required to maintain assets. In order to develop found in this region is sub-bituminous durain-
South African grid. Coal increasing production a better rail network, an agreement of rail co- fusain with relatively high ash content.
levels are expected to alleviate a larger part of operation between Zambia, South Africa, Carbonaceous shales and thin coal seams have
current electricity de cit of Zambia as power Democratic Republic of Congo and Zimbabwe also been identi ed in the eastern part of the
plants can utilize coal production. In order to is under progress which will allow increased Bartose Basin and lower Karoo of the Luangaw
support the mining sector of Zambia, ZESCO export of copper by copper rich countries a n d
L u a n o - L u k u s a s h i .
Sep - Oct 2017