First Mining Drc-Zambia Sep/Oct 2017 FMDRC-Zambia Sep Oct | Page 19
3. Civil Constructed Waste water treatment
bacteria feed on the complex substances in the
A Greener Approach
plant Biological waste water treatment is an accepted wastewater, converting them into simpler
eir civil constructed plants are designed and practice used worldwide. e process involves substances, improving
constructed mostly for large ow industrial and con ning naturally occurring bacteria at a very reduced footprint.”
housing development applications. e plants high concentration in the treatment process,
nal effluent on a
are aest het ic a l ly ple asing as t he y are whether it is plastic type, containerized type of He notes that globally, the composition of
constructed underground and can be covered civil constructed type. From here this bacteria, effluents discharged to receiving waters is
with vegetation and are entirely civil designed together with some protozoa and other regulated by the national environment
and constructed to exact civil engineering microbes (collectively referred to as activated agencies. e legislation is concerned with the
requirements. ese plants boast several sludge) are treated in an anaerobic and an prevention of pollution, and therefore sets
advantages for clients including the fact that the aerobic process. ey are then returned to the concentration limits on dissolved organic
civil construction can be subcontracted to local a n a e ro b i c p h a s e t o e l i m i n at e s l u d g e carbon (as BOD or COD), nitrogen and
contractors to reduce construction costs. accumulation and waste generation.
phosphates and other compounds which cause
eutrophication in receiving waters. It also
Coetzer explains that provision can also be “In a nutshell, the bacteria digest all impurities attempts to limit the discharge of known toxic
made for easy plant expansion through simple and the wastewater is then cleansed. e treated chemicals by setting allowable concentration
modular and common wall construction and wastewater or effluent can then be discharged to limits in the effluent. “If we consider that 100%
that if the plant is gravity-fed, the system can receiving waters – normally a river or the sea – of the effluent can be recycled, if done properly,
operate without electricity for up to 48 hours. or alternatively used for irrigation, ushing of there is no doubt that through this we are
is makes the product an effective alternative toilets or general non-potable uses,” explains providing large bank of water, which previously
for remote operations, for countries with Coetzer. “SewTreat has developed a highly may not have been considered as 'safe' for the
unreliable power supply, or where no municipal effective multiple strain bacteria range that gets environment or community.”
connection is available. added to our plants, this speci cally bred
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