First Mining Drc-Zambia Sep/Oct 2017 FMDRC-Zambia Sep Oct | Page 15
“During testing the KAMAZ trucks have
presented a strong value proposition. We've
been testing the trucks across numerous
customer sites, where they have been extremely
well received and have tackled local conditions
with ease, delivering great productivity and
lower fuel burn. Coupled with lower operating
costs, customers can expect a favourable Rands
per kilometre per tonne of material moved,”
adds Castle.
“KAMAZ FTC is very pleased to be teaming up
with a heavy equipment company such as Bell KAMAZ product philosophy coupled with Bell roll off) while the Richards Bay factory gears up
Equipment who has its origin and roots rmly Equipment's extensive distribution network of for CKD (complete knockdown) assembly.
entrenched in southern Africa. We believe that over 50 branches and dealers, world class Increasing the local value add of the trucks is in
this partnership will bring great value to both aermarket service and technical support is a line with our commitment to increase our
companies,” says Rafail Gafeev, Director clear recipe for success to meet the southern investment in South Africa and create
General of KAMAZ Foreign Trade Company.
African customers' needs. We look forward to meaningful employment opportunities. Most
growing our footprint by investing in the region importantly we are con dent that this
“e KAMAZ products have been tried and through Bell Equipment's product localisation partnership will once again better position us to
tested in the most challenging environments and distribution strategies.” help our customers to succeed by providing
resulting in uncompromising products that are “To ensure a smooth introduction the initial strong reliable machines and strong reliable
uncomplicated and tough. We believe that the KAMAZ trucks will be shipped RORO (roll on support to the region,” concludes Jones.