First Mining Drc-Zambia Sep/Oct 2017 FMDRC-Zambia Sep Oct | Page 12
Zambia copper production to power on
due to strong copper prices
Zambian copper production remains on a
supportive of the sector and rising copper
However, BMI Research expects Zambian
positive growth trajectory due to government prices will incentivise domestic miners to ramp President Edgar Lungu's strong commitment to
support for the mining sector and strong copper up production during H2017. mining sector development in the country will
Presidential support to minimise risks shortages on Zambia's copper production this
According to the Zambian central bank, As BMI Research has outlined in previous year.
Zambian copper production over H2017 analysis, the ongoing power shortages resulting totalled 362 Kt, down slightly from 367 Kt in from the country's over-dependence on hydro-
likely minimise any serious impact of power
For example, following President Lungu's
2016. power and rising power tariffs is the key risk i nte r ve nt i on on 3 0 Au g ust , Gl e nc ore
No details have been given by the Zambian facing the Zambian mining sector moving announced they had reached a deal with
authorities on this decline, yet it is likely that forward.
Zambia's ongoing power supply problems have
Copperbelt Energy Corp. that will restore full
power supply to the Glencore's Mopani
been the key constraint on copper mining In August alone, two of the country's main activities. copper producers, Glencoreand First Quantum Minerals (FQM), were forced to reduce power Previously in May 2017, President Lungu also
Despite this setback, the Zambian government at key operations due to tariff disputes with resolved a court case involving FQM and the
expects copper production to rise from 774 Kt electricity provider Copperbelt Energy Corp. state investment company ZCCM Investment
in 2016 to 850 Kt in 2017, amounting to 9% y-o- e combined copper output of mines affected, Holdings, which has a 20% stake in FQM's
y growth. Glencore's Mopani and FQM's Kansanshi, Kansanshi mine.
amounted to over 400 Kt as of 2016.
is is the view of BMI Research - a unit of the
ZCCM began arbitration proceedings against
Fitch Group. is represents more than 50% of current FQM, claiming 1.4 billion from the miner over
While not as optimistic, BMI Research is Zambian copper production, posing serious allegations it had wrongly used ZCCM's cash,
positive on Zambian copper and maintain its risks to Zambia's copper production outlook but ultimately dropped the case following
forecast of 7% growth this year as Zambian this year. President Lungu's intervention.
President Edgar Lungu remains personally
Sep - Oct 2017