First Magazine SCFCA OCTO-1 | Page 30

Methane Hydrate Apart from the above methane sources, Methane hydrate is a vast storage of methane gas. The technique to extract methane from the methane hydrate is still under the developing stage. It was reported in March, 2013 that Japan developed the technique to extract methane gas from methane hydrate. It is expected that by 2019, they will be in a position for commercial production. Methane hydrate is also known under the names, Methane clathrate, hydro methane, methane ice, fire ice, natural gas hydrate, or gas hydrate.  Clathrates are a special types of chemical substances. Clathrates are formed when small molecules are trapped within a cage formed by the molecules. Here, in a cage formed by the water molecules (by hydrogen bonds) methane molecules are getting trapped. The chemical equation of methane hydrate is (CH4)4(H2O)23. It has got 13.4% (weight) methane. The observed density is around 0.9 g/cm3. There exists 120 grams’ methane in one litre of methane hydrate. So methane hydrate is a good source for methane (natural gas). Friends of Scientifica, October 2016