First Magazine SCFCA APRIL | Page 12

Friends of Scientifica 8. Banteng The banteng (Bos javanicus), also known as tembadau, is a species of wild cattle found in Southeast Asia. Banteng have been domesticated in several places in Southeast Asia, and there are around 1.5 million domestic banteng, which are called Bali cattle. These animals are used as working animals and for their meat. Banteng have also been introduced to Northern Australia, where they have established stable feral populations. 9. Bengal fox The Bengal fox (Vulpes bengalensis), also known as the Indian fox, is a fox endemic to the Indian subcontinent and is found from the Himalayan foothills and Terai of Nepal through southern India and from southern and eastern Pakistan to eastern India and southeastern Bangladesh. 10. Eld's deer Eld's deer (Panolia eldii), [2] also known as the thamin or brow-antlered deer, is an endangered species of deerindigenous to Southeast Asia. [1] The species was first discovered by Westerners in Manipur in India in 1839. The original scientific name, Cervus eldi, was coined in 1844 in honour of Lt. Percy Eld, a British officer. [citation needed] The threesubspecies of the Eld's deer are: Panolia eldii eldi: The Manipuri brow-antlered deer is found in Manipur, India. It is called sangai in Manipuri. P. e. thamin: The Burmese brow- antlered deer found in Myanmar, and westernmost Thailand. P. e. siamensis: The Thai brow- antlered deer is found in Cambodia, China, Laos, Thailand and Vietnam, and should perhaps be treated as a separate species. The population on the Chinese island of Hainan is sometimes considered another subspecies, P. e. hainanus, but this is not supported by genetic evidence. It was described byLydekker in 1915. Banteng Bengal Fox Eld’s Deer 11. Brown bear The brown bear (Ursus arctos) is a large bear distributed across much of northern Eurasia and North America and (with thepolar bear) is the largest land-based predator on earth. There are several recognized subspecies within the brown bear species. April, 2016