First Field Dressing First Field Dressing - SBT | Page 19

Never Give Up , You Will Never Be Alone
Just the fact that you are reading this means you still have strength to fight . Anyone that suffers with mental illness very often finds themselves isolated , deep in that pit and feeling that all hope has finally gone . I cannot pretend to know what each of you are going through purely because every story is different and every struggle has its own nightmares . But I can promise you that no matter how deep in the pit you are you can always come to the surface . How do I know this ? Because I ‟ ve been that low myself . I ‟ ve been to the very edge of desperation and have come back from it . I must stress from the start that the following is purely for inspiration . I have no intention of throwing religion at you or trying to convert you to my own way of thinking . I merely want to give you a little encouragement in your struggle and try to pass on some comforting words . There will be references to the bible as I have found it to be full of good advice and guidance .
Are you losing hope ?
There is always hope . I ‟ m sure someone has told you that in the past , some may think that its a load of old claptrap . To be honest , it wasn ‟ t so long ago when I felt like this . Somebody pointed me into the direction of this passage . “ Therefore , since we have been justified through faith , we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ , through whom we have gained access by faith into this grace in which we now stand . And we boast in the hope of the glory of God . Not only so , but we also glory in our sufferings , because we know that suffering produces perseverance ; perseverance , character ; and character , hope . And hope does not put us to shame , because God ’ s love has been poured out into our hearts through the Holy Spirit , who has been given to us ” When I first read that , I didn ‟ t feel it was really helping but I did read it again and again and I then saw myself when I was a soldier and remembered the times when we were really up against it , we didn ‟ t give up . We had strength . We believed in what we were doing and were determined to see it through . I remember that we used to be told to trust in God , he would see us through . It was true and , believe it or not even as you read this he is there to support you . Just trust in him and yourself .
Do you feel worthless ?
It is very common for those who suffer from PTSD and other mental health illnesses to feel different . Sometimes you may feel that you are so damaged everyone pities you or looks at you as strange . You may feel that because you ‟ ve hurt people around you , you feel like you are the lowest of the low . You may feel you have committed sins so bad there is no way back . In all accounts , not so . You are indeed , a very special , unique person capable of so much . But don ‟ t take my work for it “ Since he did not spare even his own Son but gave him up for us all , won ‟ t he also give us everything else ?” Romans 8:32 God brought Jesus to die for you , God loves you , God is near you , God encourages you , God loves to listen and answer your prayers , God has a plan for you , so how are you worthless ?
Do you feel like there is no help ?
Hopefully , If you have got this far in the document you will see that there are people that truly want to help you . Us , for a start . But even when we are not about , you can always get help from someone else . “ Trust in the LORD with all your heart , and lean not on your own understanding ; in all your ways acknowledge Him , and He shall direct your paths .” Proverbs 3:5-6
Finally .....
You are not alone , you are loved , you are priceless and there is always , always hope . The dark times will end .