First American Art Magazine No. 3, Summer 2014 | Page 9

Letters to FAAM GREAT PLAINS NATIVE ART MARKET & CELEBRATION C ONGRATULATIONS on the Spring 2014 edition of First American Art Magazine. I am so pleased to see so many vibrant new artists who have not yet received a substantial national attention. The articles are of great interest, and thanks for your fabulous work. D enton Fa s t Whi rlwi nd S p eaks wi th the Thund erb ei ngs 2 0 1 3 B es t of S how I am writing to thank America Meredith in particular for her article, “Cuzco School: Andean Vision in Oils and Gold.” Some time ago, searching for Indigenous artists in the Spanish Colonial and Post-Colonial world was tedious. Dawn Ades was one of the few writers who included Native artists her in book Art in Latin America. Meredith’s research and that of Annick Benavides in Peru is most appreciated. I hope that this type of research will spread throughout South America. Please keep up this fine work. Mary Jo Watson, PhD University of Oklahoma School of Art and Art History We welcome letters to the editor! Please email [email protected] or­mail letters to: First American Art Magazine, Attention: Editor 1000 Cordova Place, #843, Santa Fe, NM 87505 JULY 19, 2014 BLACK HILLS, SOUTH DAKOTA W W W. N AT I V E A R T S G AT H E R I N G . O R G Workshops: June 23-July 6 Pottery, Jewelry, Basketry, Weaving, Stone Carving, Flutemaking, Foods and more Registration required Festival & Lectures: June 29-July 5 “Reimagining Our Stories: Storytelling in the 21st Century” Open to the public F A C U L T Y A N D G U E S T S Joe Baker • Freddie Bitsoie • Gerald Clarke, Jr. • Mike & Mique’l Dangeli • Deana Dartt • Barbara Drake Ted Garcia • Git Hayetsk Dancers • Rose Ann Hamilton • Ramson Lomatewama • Daniel McCarthy Mt. Cah ե