ALEXIS BUNTEN , PhD ( Aleut-Yup ’ ik ), is an Alaska Native researcher , writer , and media maker . Bunten holds a BA in art history from Dartmouth College and a PhD in cultural anthropology from UCLA . Her first book , So , How Long Have You Been Native ?: Life as an Alaska Native Tour Guide ( University of Nebraska Press , 2015 ), won the 2016 Alaska Library Association Award . Her writing has been published in American Indian Quarterly , American Ethnologist , and the Journal of Museum Education . Her latest book , Indigenous Tourism Movements ( University of Toronto Press ), was just released in 2018 . Alexis also coproduced and wrote the script for a documentary nominated for the Native American Film Awards .
ROSEMARY DIAZ ( Santa Clara Tewa ) is a freelance writer based in Santa Fe . She studied literature and its respective arts at the Institute of American Indian Arts , Naropa University , and University of California , Santa Cruz . Her work has appeared in numerous publications , including Beadwork , Collector ’ s Guide , Native Peoples , and the Santa Fean , and she is featured in Indian Country Today Media Network online .
WENDIYOH ESTRADA ( Onondaga ) grew up on the Onondaga Nation , the central tribe of the Iroquois Confederacy in Upstate New York . She graduated with a degree in television / radio / film from Syracuse University ’ s Newhouse School of Public Communications , where she produced several short films and documentaries . She currently works as photographer and staff writer for Ononda ’ geh Ongwawenna , Onondaga Nation ’ s newsletter .
ANDREA L . FERBER , PhD , is an art historian and independent curator . Her current curatorial project is Palimpsests for the University of the Pacific in Stockton , California . She has several forthcoming publications and is a contributor to the Art Market Dictionary , a new resource from De Gruyter Publishers in Berlin .
STACI GOLAR ( Cornish-Welsh-American ), based in San Diego , holds a bachelor ’ s degree in art , with minors in sociology and anthropology from Eastern Oregon University and a master ’ s degree in arts administration from the University of Oregon . After completing an arts management internship at Crow ’ s Shadow Institute of the Arts on the Umatilla Reservation , she went on to work for SWAIA Santa Fe Indian Market , the Institute of American Indian Arts , and the International Folk Art Alliance . She has written for the Santa Fean , Native Peoples , Santa Fe New Mexican , Bead and Button , and other publications . A lifelong advocate of the arts and an artist herself , she believes in the transformative power of art and in those who create it .
Illustration by A . Meredith .
NADIA JACKINSKY-SETHI , PhD ( Alutiiq ), is an art historian , writer , and museum consultant based in Homer , Alaska . She works as a program officer for a grant program dedicated to supporting Alaska Native artists at The CIRI Foundation , and teaches occasional art history classes through the University of Alaska , Anchorage . Her research interests focus on Alaska Native and circumpolar arts , Indigenous cultural and artistic revival , and issues around representations of identity .
MICHELLE J . LANTERI is an Andrew W . Mellon Foundation predoctoral fellow in Native American art history at the University of Oklahoma . She presented a paper on Apsáalooke ( Crow ) artist Wendy Red Star at the 2017 College Art Association ( CAA ) conference and curated the 2018 exhibition , Wendy Red Star : The Maniacs ( We ’ re Not The Best , But We ’ re Better Than The Rest ) for the University Art Gallery at New Mexico State University ( NMSU ). Lanteri earned an MA in art history from NMSU and has served in curatorial roles for the University Museum as well as the Greenhill Center for North Carolina Art . At the 2018 CAA conference , she is chairing the panel , “ Intercontinental : Indigenous Artists of the Americas on the Contemporary Art Stage .”
DANYELLE MEANS ( Oglala Lakota ) is a writer , researcher , and museum consultant . Currently finishing her master ’ s thesis on the collection and display of contemporary Native American art in Europe , Means lives in the Hudson Valley of New York .
JEAN MERZ-EDWARDS has studied art history since 2000 , when she attended her first classes on the subject at Hunter College in New York . She earned her master ’ s degree