FIRS The Global Impact of Respiratory Disease – Second Edition | Page 19

Antibiotics have made most bacterial pneumonia curable, although antibiotic- resistant bacteria can complicate care. As with other diseases in which the causes are known and cures are available, key efforts must be made to improve the availability and delivery of quality healthcare and effective medicines. Greater availability of pulse oximeters to guide supplemental oxygen therapy coupled with better access to oxygen delivery systems must be a priority for effective treatment of severe respiratory infections [26]. Early diagnosis is essential, and includes the need for heightened awareness in the community. Better diagnostic tests, including better sampling procedures and better methods for the rapid detection of infectious agents, are needed. Improved diagnosis enables targeted therapy. Misuse of antibiotics leads to the emergence and selection of resistant bacteria. More intelligent use of antibiotics may decrease the huge problem of antimicrobial drug resistance. Physicians worldwide now face situations in which infected patients cannot be treated adequately because the responsible bacterium is totally resistant to available antibiotics. Strategic areas of intervention include: 1) prudent use of available antibiotics in patients and animals, giving them only when they are needed, with the correct diagnosis, and in the correct dosage, dose intervals and duration; 2) hygienic precautions to control transmission of resistant strains between persons, including hand hygiene, screening for carriage of resistant strains and isolation of positive patients; and 3) research and development of effective antibiotics with new mechanisms of action [32]. 18 Forum of International Respiratory Societies