FIREWIRE Magazine Summer 2018 | Page 8

1 DIVISION news Covering the cities of Fontana and Upland as well as seven other unincorporated areas of the Valley By Ryan Beckers and Local 935 VP John Marini LABOR REPS: CHRIS WILLIAMS, TONY MASCORRO AND NICK HARKINS JEFF BIRCHFIELD ASSISTANT CHIEF A recent residential structure fire in the city of Upland came with these two pups needing rescue. HOT TOPICS FROM THE WEST VALLEY Captain Brett Dickerson and Engineer Dustin Griffin were recently recognized for saving a life off-duty by providing CPR to a cardiac arrest victim. • Local 935 thanks Battalion Chief Grant Hubbell for his leadership as the leader for Strike Team 6239F on the Carr Fire near Redding. • 8 FIREWIRE • Summer 2018 In some welcome news, the city of Fontana signed a 20-year extension on its contract for service with County Fire. The language includes a 10-year hold on any “opt-out” for the city. During this time the city’s plans include construction of two new fire stations, one of which plans to include a training facility. Local 935 congratulates Mayor Acquanetta Warren, Council Member John Roberts and the rest of the city council, along with County Fire management and Local 935 leadership, for the efforts which have kept County Fire in partnership with Fontana for the foreseeable future. • In Battalion 1 in Upland, remodeling on Station 161 downtown continues. The administrative offices are currently undergoing their makeover; on deck, the crew quarters kitchen and bathrooms. The kitchen remodel at Station 12 meanwhile, is also close to starting. In Fontana, Station 72’s kitchen remodel is ongoing, and a flooding mishap required Station 77 to get its kitchen redone as well. • For new apparatus, Station 74’s new Type 1 engine is being built, and a new medic squad has been ordered for Station 73. Local 935 is proud to support the Miss Fontana pageant. Congratulations to Bryce Gioia for winning 4th place in the “Teen Miss Fontana” category. Division 1 was involved in a slew of community events over the past quarter, including attendance at the Upland High School football pancake fundraiser on June 2; the Miss Fontana pageant on June 9; Upland City Council Member Gino Filippi’s reelection fundraiser on July 25; and the John Roberts/ Chamber of Commerce President Philip Cothran at the Local 935 hall. Probationary Firefighter Jesse Gonzales prepares for his six-month exam. Jesse is a product of the Old Cajon Crew and brings a work ethic and positive attitude that is remarkable. 1 DIVISION news Summer 2018 • FIREWIRE 9