FIREWIRE Magazine Summer 2014 | Page 12

DIVISION 1 LABOR REP. PAT FLECKENSTEIN & CARLOS CANIZALES JON MCLINN DIVISION CHIEF Station 72 participates in an anti-text and drive campaign at Jack Bulik Park BY: BRENTON BAUM Crews from station 72 along with the 2nd grade class from Citrus Elementary at Jack Bulik Park and featured static displays by several city departments as well as the school district and California Highway Patrol. Company 72 performed a live vehicle extrication demonstration in order to display the result and dangers of texting and driving. Engineer Carlos Canizales gave an interview to local Fontana community television. The event was a great opportunity to display our extrication techniques to the public and we were well received. The past several months have been busy for Division 1. From the multiple Red Flag events and seemingly constant Santa Ana winds, we have been given plenty of opportunity to use our wildland firefighting skills. The division