FIREWIRE Magazine Spring 2018 | Page 48

6 DIVISION news By Ryan Beckers 6 DIVISION news Serving the Cities of Victorville, Adelanto, I-15 and I-40, and 10 unincorporated areas of the High Desert A recent hazardous materials incident near Victorville. Hazmat emergency response is one of the many benefits of a regional service model, which spreads costs across several jurisdictions. LABOR REPS: JEREMY PENDERGRAFT AND JOSH PULLEN DAN MEJIA ASSISTANT CHIEF HOT TOPICS • The major news continues to be, of course, the potential and pending withdrawal of Victorville from the County Fire family. Our management has met with city council members to determine a transition term, with several options discussed; the city has even asked for a month-to-month extension. However, we have ultimately countered with a one-year extension proposal. Further, the city is having difficulties securing a new dispatch service, with CONFIRE and Cal-Fire both rejecting their request. • Because of the uncertainty regarding the Victorville contract, station improvements within the city have been put on hold or slowed. Meanwhile, similar projects are being held in Adelanto, where the city is pausing to review budget concerns. FROM ACROSS THE NORTH DESERT • In Spring Valley Lake, Station 22 is still on track to get a medic squad assigned to the station starting next fiscal year (July), bringing total station staffing to five. In addition, and OES Hazmat rig is scheduled to be located there soon. • Helendale Station 4 is also still in line to upgrade staffing to a fifth member, with the proposal intended to staff a two-member brush patrol in addition to the medic engine. With this staffing the patrol can respond to calls in Hinckley or elsewhere far out while the engine remains in town. • Firefighter/Paramedic Kyle Pope meeting the county vision in Victor- ville during a recent school fire safety program. Local 935 congratulates Anthony Muscarello on his promotion to the rank of engineer. Local 935 congratulates Ryan Gilford on promotion to the rank of engineer. The crew at Station 314 happy to help “Dante” get a ride to school recently. Local 935 Vice President Travis Aguirre thanks Assistant Chief Dan Mejia for his continued support. The local has been able, and continues to, work through many issues with this solid relationship in place. SBCoFD REACH H325 on the helipad at Station 322 in Adelanto. 48 FIREWIRE • Spring 2018 Spring 2018 • FIREWIRE 49