FIREWIRE Magazine Spring 2018 | Page 24

SCHNEIDER ASSUMES WEBMASTER ROLE Fire Captain Jeff Schneider has as- sumed the role of Local 935 webmaster for In that role Jeff will facilitate content updates, maintain ac- curate information for the public, pro- vide user-friendly member resources and work on future content that serves as a valuable resource for our member- ship and the communities we serve. Jeff is 39 years-old and lives in Te- mecula with his family. Hired in 2002 with Upland Fire, he promoted through the ranks and came over to the county with that department’s annexation last year. Currently assigned to station 221 24 FIREWIRE • Spring 2018 A-shift, Schneider is a paramedic and is both Hazmat and USAR-certified. Jeff is anxious to get to work in his new role, saying, “I wanted to get involved with Local 935 because I felt some of the things I have learned over the years could benefit the membership. Accurate information and communication is a huge key to success and I wanted to help facilitate improving those aspects.” To get in touch with Jeff you can email him at: [email protected] or on his phone: (951) 970-5025. Spring 2018 • FIREWIRE 25