FIREWIRE Magazine Fall 2019 | Page 8

Local 935 proud to support the Fontana Boxing Club during an event recently held at the Jesse Turner Center. Local 935 is committed to serving our communities in many ways. Our members donate their time to participate in various community events. Local 935 also provides sponsorships and monetary support to local charities and organizations. Local 935 VP John Marini always makes the community a priority. Mountain VP Joe Barna and Assistant Chief Ron Walls recently attended an annual event supporting Rim Special Athletes. Local 935 supports a recent community BBQ hosted in con- junction with San Bernardino City Councilman Juan Figueroa Local 935 members play an important role as committee members on the dept. apparatus committee led by Captain and East Valley VP Nathan Lopez. 8 FIREWIRE • FALL 2019 The men and women of Local 935 take pride in being absolute professionals in our duties to the public. Our members train on and off duty to ensure we have the skills necessary to mitigate the emergency needs of the public. FALL 2019 • FIREWIRE 9