FIREWIRE Magazine Fall 2019 | Page 60

By Dan Nelson FIREFIGHTER/PARAMEDIC ADAM KOVACOVICH There’s an old firehouse saying that states “Firefighters are jacks of all trades but masters of none.” I think there’s a lot of truth and wisdom in that old saying, but after 24 years in the fire service, I’ve observed that we are more than that. As a group, members of our Local 935 are intelligent, hard-working, success- driven individuals. Over our careers, I believe that we cement these characteristics into our lives, and that it becomes part of the fabric of what makes us who we are as both individuals and as a group. We get stronger and become capable of achieving things that most of us did not think were possible when we started this career. Firefighter/Paramedic Adam Kovacovich is a stellar example of one our members who embodies these attributes day in and day out. For those of you who may be unaware, Adam has left our department to pursue a lifelong goal that he felt, for many years, was unattainable. He has left SBCoFD to attend medical school and start a new career as a doctor. As was the case for many of our members, Adam graduated from high school not knowing what he wanted to do with his life. He held different jobs over the years trying to find his career niche. Eventually, at the urging of his brother Grant—now an engineer at Station 32 in Needles—Adam enrolled in an EMT class at Victor Valley College (VVC). Adam was 23 years old at the time and thought that EMS and the fire service might be the right choice, so he put all his time and effort into becoming an EMT. There was something about medicine that intrigued him; he soon became an emergency room technician at a hospital in Victorville. While there, working in a fast-paced environment around doctors and nurses, he first entertained thoughts of becoming a physician—but dismissed the idea as unattainable. The cost, the near-endless schooling…no way, right? So, for the time being, Adam decided to shift his focus to becoming a firefighter/paramedic. Once that decision was made, he pursued the goal with vigor. Upon completion of his training he took paramedic jobs with both Desert Ambulance and Morongo Basin Ambulance. In 2006, Adam was hired as a limited-term firefighter (LT) for SBCoFD and was assigned to Station 322 in Adelanto. In 2007, he attended the full-time fire academy at VVC. Later in 2008, Adam was hired as a career firefighter/paramedic for County Fire and was assigned to Station 311 in Victorville. 60 FIREWIRE • FALL 2019 When looking back through his career with SBCoFD, Adam recalls many great memories of his service time. Among his best memories is his probationary stint on a crew with Captain Scott Michaels and Engineer Sitha Tan. According to Adam, both Scott and Sitha were hugely influential in his career. He recalls the pair spending a tremendous amount of time training him to be a good firefighter both on the fireground and around the firehouse. Their kindness and humility left an impression on Adam that he carries today. Although he found work in the fire service to be interesting, challenging and rewarding, Adam knew that something was always missing. There was just something about his time working in the ER that kept calling back to him. He admits to becoming frustrated with the limits that paramedic protocols placed on his scope of practice in the field. Adam knew that his true calling was to become an ER doctor. After a lot of self-reflection, contemplation and some insightful conversations with SBCoFD Medical Director Troy Pennington, Adam began to pursue his undergraduate schooling. With the support of fellow Local 935 members working time trades so that Adam never missed class, he was able to successfully complete his first semester towards his bachelor’s degree. It was at this point that he began to realize that the dream of attending medical school was a realistic possibility. Adam went to school full-time during the regular school year and paid back time trades to his fellow firefighters during the summer months. It took a tremendous amount of effort from Adam, his family and members of Local 935, but Adam was able to graduate with great grades and scored well enough on his medical school entrance exams to be accepted to Ross Medical School in Barbados. Adam, his wife Kelly, and son Connor are now living in Barbados while he attends medical school. The classroom portion of medical school takes approximately two years to complete. After completion, Adam will attend a residency program in the United States before becoming a medical doctor. He and his family are excited to watch this process unfold their futures take shape. The members of Local 935 and FIREWIRE wish Adam and his family success during their pursuit of this incredible goal. In his closing remarks to FIREWIRE, Adam wanted to both thank us for our support and to encourage us all to never be afraid to pursue our goals and dreams. “The journey may not be easy, but it will take you to great places.” Well said, future Dr. Kovacovich! Thank your service to our Local and SBCoFD and enjoy your adventure. Dan Nelson is a FIREWIRE assistant editor and captain at Station 32 in Needles.