FIREWIRE Magazine Fall 2019 | Page 42

6 DIVISION news Serving the Cities of Victorville, Adelanto, I-15 and I-40, and 10 unincorporated areas of the High Desert By Ryan Beckers, Jeff Allen and Division 6 VP Travis Aguirre LABOR REPS: JEREMY PENDERGRAFT AND CHRIS SAUCERMAN DAVE CORBIN ASSISTANT CHIEF Hands Only CPR in the community of Silver Lakes thanks to our Nurse Educators and our members assigned to Station 4. Local 935 values our relationships with local media and photojournalist who are out there telling our story. Thanks Jose Gonzales for your efforts. Medic Engine 53 from the town of Baker covers approximately 4,000 sq. miles and hundreds of miles of interstate. 6 DIVISION news Medic Engine 22 serves the community of Spring Valley Lake in the High Desert. HOT TOPICS FROM ACROSS THE NORTH DESERT • We continue to advocate for annexation in the city of Adelanto. This city is in need of an increased service. With Station 321 being closed for years there is a service gap on the north end of the city. Annexation with FP-5 will add additional revenues that will allow the department to plan for the future. Assistant Chief Dave Corbin will deliver an annexation presentation to the city council in December. • Meanwhile, 53’s is working on station improvement, including plans for an enclosed patio and two additional bedrooms. • The loss of the city of Victorville contract continues to rear its head in Division 6. Resources from D1 and D2 are frequently responding up the Cajon Pass to provide coverage to the understaffed North Desert. • Our members assigned to Station 4 in Helendale joined County Fire nurse educators for Hands-Only CPR training within the community. • • Call volumes for Station 53 are beginning to increase as we head into the winter months. Areas like Dumont Sand Dunes and the Mojave National Preserve increase is visitor use along with traffic along the freeway corridors. Station 53 is responsible for approximately 4,000 square miles and hundreds of miles of interstate freeway. There is a significant need for additional staffing in this region. Budget work on capital improvement plans is under way…Along those lines, the Station 4 remodel is ongoing, and Station 322 in Adelanto is hoping to garner grant money to install a new Plymovent exhaust removal system for the apparatus bay. Probationary Firefighter/Paramedic Ray Crespo a member of Tower 10 is assigned to Station 4 in Helendale. 42 FIREWIRE • FALL 2019 FALL 2019 • FIREWIRE 43