FIREWIRE Magazine Fall 2019 | Page 26

3 DIVISION NEWS Covering Lake Arrowhead, Crestline, Fawnskin and 12 other unincorporated areas of the mountain top By Ryan Beckers and Division 3 VP Joe Barna LABOR REP: CRAIG WILLIAMS RON WALLS ASSISTANT CHIEF HOT TOPICS FROM ACROSS THE MOUNTAIN • VP Barna joined Assistant Chief Ron Walls at a terrific local fundraiser for Rim Special Athletes, a group which provides adults, children and veterans with disabilities a safe positive recreation. • In early September Ambulance Operator and Local 935 brother William “Billy” DeHart died off-duty. In his short time with County fire, he made an impact on us with his charisma and passion for his job. • Station 25 in Crestline took receipt of its brand new Type 1 engine, a 4x4 KME. Thanks to all who do the work in putting these rigs together, from spec to outfitting to service! • Station 25 hosted a local Scout troop recently. The kids got a station tour as well as first hand experience handling fire hose. • All division members are being trained at minimum to the fire/rescue boat deck hand level in preparation for next year’s deadline for certification. Our members are regularly assigned to boat stations 92 in Lake Arrowhead and 96 in Fawnskin. • Firefighter Scott Mehle and his family welcomed newborn Zephyr Nicholas into the world on October 10! Welcome to 935 Zephyr!