training and sharing their skills with other Disaster Corps volunteers. The
networking was also a way for our members to learn more about what the
other county volunteer programs are learning.
By: Cheryl Nagy
Disaster Corps Volunteers
Trained and Ready to Serve
“Through leadership and
guidance, strengthen
countywide emergency
management capabilities
to ensure the protection of
life and property before,
during and after disasters.”
In June 2010 the San Bernardino County Operational
Area was one of five California counties awarded
funding to hire a volunteer coordinator to provide
assistance to a new state volunteer program called the
California Disaster Corps. Each volunteer coordinator
was charged with providing training, working with local
non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and serving
in the local government emergency operations center
(EOC). The partnering counties include Los Angeles,
Riverside, San Diego and San Francisco.
into the state’s emergency management system.
Governor Brown continues to support the Disaster
Corps as it moves forward throughout the state.
The Disaster Corps initiative has been built collaboratively from the ground up through public-private
partnerships and with a wide range of subject matter
experts, including representatives from all levels of
government, local emergency managers, state agency
volunteer coordinators and leaders in non-governmental volunteer programs.
The California Disaster Corps is a first-in-the-nation