Firestyle Magazine Issue 7 - Spring 2017 | Page 38
Renault felt the time was right to
do a makeover to this popular
crossover SUV vehicle. Prob-ably
influenced by the huge growth
in sales of the Zafira, C-Max and
the Kia, the Renault Sce-nic
is a niche market with a well
supported buyer market, writes
Bob Hickman.
The new Scenic has an
extremely stylish exterior, on
standard 20 inch wheels it
is chunky al-most akin to a
When a particular vehicle has sold
over 5 million it is true to say that
it is a success and so it is with the
Renault Scenic, first produced in
1996 and has continued ever since...
crossover bigger type of
vehicle. It certainly isn’t dull, and
I think that the in-troduction of
sharper more sweeping lines
has emphasised the historic
aspect of the Scenic.
It is for a family primarily, it
has loads of interior space,
a huge boot and some
quite novel touches. There is
sufficient headroom within
the vehicle and legroom of
course for adults both in the
front and in the back. If you
are a larger family 3 children
can be accommodated with
ease and I particularly like the
wide opening rear doors which
make for both easy access
and egress. If the family is even
larger, you could of course have
a look at the Grand Scenic,
which is slightly longer and
which accommodates a pair
of seats at the very back of the
vehi-cle in the boot, but only for
occasional use.