There is only ONE you! You are unique so the aim of this
article is to offer TEN TOP TIPS to help make the very best
of yourself without it taking lots of time or money.
1. Use a face wash.
Wash your face with gentle, foaming
face wash twice a day (morning and
evening) and you’ll see a marked
improvement in the condition of
your skin in no time at all. Effectively
cleansing your skin is essential for any
guy who wants to look good. Keeping
your face clean is the cornerstone
of any grooming routine. As your
face is the part of you that is most
on show it therefore makes sense
to look after it. Rather than wait for
spots to appear before taking action,
using a good quality face wash is an
effective, pro-active approach to
keeping blemishes at bay and also
helps to give your complexion a fresh,
healthy glow. Getting into the habit
of cleaning your face twice a day,
EVERY day (morning and evening) is
not only amazing for your looks but
can be really enjoyable too!
2. Use a face scrub.
What is a face scrub? A face scrub is
a lotion that contains small ‘bits’ that
when applied to the skin in a gentle,
circular motion (avoiding the fragile
under eye area) helps to remove
dead skin cells, smooth the surface
of the skin and helps prevent ingrown
hairs from developing. Use a walnutsized amount of face scrub divide this
amount between your nose, cheeks,
chin, fore-ahead, neck and if you’re
feeling adventurous the BACK of your
neck too! Remember: you’re not
sanding floor boards so go easy on
the pressure. Your skin is delicate so
please respect it especially if you’ve
got blemished skin. Always wash
your face first and never use just
after a close shave as doing this may
seriously aggravate your
skin. Using a face scrub three
times a week will make your
skin look amazing!
3. Use a moisturiser.
A moisturiser will help hydrate and
‘plump’ the skin helping you to
look gorgeous. Apart from washing
your face the other vital tool in your
skincare toolbox is using a good
quality moisturiser. A well moisturised
face can make you look healthy and
sexier! In a nut shell a moisturiser is
designed to make the external layers
of the skin softer and more pliable by
increasing hydration (water content)
by reducing evaporation therefore
acting as a protective barrier
especially after shaving. Your face is
the part of your body most exposed
to the elements therefore it needs a
helping help to keep hydrated and
Some extra tips:
*Always wash your face first. Never apply moisturiser to dirty skin
*Don’t use a product that’s too rich and heavy for your skin type
*Avoid products that contain harsh chemicals that may
aggravate your skin
*Don’t use too much. A walnut-sized amount is ideal.
“Working in hot conditions, exposure to potentially hazardous
chemicals, stress, shift work as well as smoke inhalation can
contribute towards prematurely ageing your skin.”
Tony Formela, Firefighter
4. Don’t pick/
squeeze spots and
stop touching your
We all know that if you have a
whitehead on your face then
the temptation to squeeze it is
really strong. Not only does a
‘ripe’ spot look unpleasant it
can also feel painful. As much
as possible don’t squeeze it as
it can infect the blemish further
and may lead to scarring and
as much as possible try to avoid
touching/fiddling or playing
with your spot(s) as bacteria or
dirt on your fingers can transfer
onto your face and make
things much worse so keep
fingers/hands really clean.
5. Sauna/steam rooms
for a skin treat.
A great way to look after your skin is to
have a sauna (dry heat) or spend some
time chillaxing in a steam room (wet
heat). The heat will open your pores and
release toxins which is really beneficial to
your complexion especially if you have
blemish-prone skin. Most gyms/sports
centres have a steam room or sauna so
why not pop in once a week for a few
minutes. Ideally have a quick shower
after your workout and wash your face
a mild, foaming face-wash before your
‘steamy’ session and splash with cold
water afterwards, pat your face dry with
a clean towel, apply a small amount of
moisturiser and drink lots of bottled water
to rehydrate your body. Not only is this a
great way of perking up your complexion
and increasing circulation it’s a really
effective stress-buster.
6. Use a clay face pack.
What is a face pack? It’s a cream/lotion
that you put on your face and leave
until it dries. When it ‘hardens’ you rinse
it off. One of my favourite things to do is
to apply a face pack. I’m out of control,
I know! This is particularly effective if you
have oily skin as it is a fantastic way of
drawing out impurities, tightening open
pores and deep cleansing your face. To
avoid confusion: a face-pack and facemask are the same thing. Splash your
face with warm water, spread a small
amount on your forehead, cheeks, nose,
chin and neck (and back of neck) and
leave for a just a minute or two. Then
dampen face with warm water to loosen
the clay mask before removing with a
clean flannel or sponge. Splash face
with cold water and pat face dry with
a clean towel. Do this once or twice a
week and see how gorgeous you look!