In the US : Hilti , Inc . 7250 Dallas Parkway , Suite 1000 Plano , TX 75024 Customer Service : 1-800-879-8000 en español : 1-800-879-5000 Fax : 1-800-879-7000
www . hilti . com
In Canada : Hilti ( Canada ) Corporation 2201 Bristol Circle Oakville ON | L6H 0J8 Canada Customer Service : 1-800-363-4458 Fax : 1-800-363-4459
www . hilti . ca
Hilti is an equal opportunity employer . Hilti is a registered trademark of Hilti Corp . © Copyright 2024 by Hilti , Inc .
* 14001 US only
The data contained in this literature was current as of the date of publication . Updates and changes may be made based on later testing . If verification is needed that the data is still current , please contact the Hilti Technical Support Specialists at 1-800-879-8000 . All published load values contained in this literature represent the results of testing by Hilti or test organizations . Local base materials were used . Because of variations in materials , on-site testing is necessary to determine performance at any specific site . Printed in the United States .
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