A perimeter fire containment system is designed to prevent the spread of fire through a linear opening between a fire rated floor assembly and a non-fire rated exterior wall assembly . The continuity requirements within the building codes state shall be continuous without vertical openings . Voids at the intersection of the floor assembly and exterior curtain wall are permitted if protected with a perimeter fire containment system .
For a perimeter fire containment system , some of the common firestopping materials used include :
• Preformed firestop products ( Hilti CFS EOS Quick Seal )
• Water based firestop spray ( Hilti CFS SP WB )
• Silicone based firestop spray ( Hilti CFS SP SIL )
11.1 Steps for inspection
1 ) Is the hourly fire rating of the referenced perimeter fire containment system or EJ greater than or equal to the fire rating of the floor assembly ?
2 ) Does the floor construction and the exterior wall construction match the floor / wall construction listed in the perimeter fire containment system or EJ ?
3 ) Does the curtain wall construction comply with the following requirements of the referenced perimeter fire containment system or EJ ?
a ) Does the system include vision glass ( if applicable )? b ) Proper spacing of mullions and transoms ? c ) Proper mullion coverings ( type , thickness , density , etc .) d ) Proper curtain wall spandrel insulation ( type , thickness , density , etc .)
e ) Proper spandrel panel perimeter angles or stiffeners ( dimensions , gauge , fastener spacing , etc .)
4 ) Does the field installation of the firestopping materials comply with the following requirements of the referenced fire resistive joint system or EJ ?
a ) Maximum width of the joint
b ) Proper backing material installed including proper orientation , depth and compression of backing material
c ) Proper firestopping product , including type , amount , thickness , orientation , etc .
d ) Proper accessories installed , including support clips for backing material .
e ) For firestop spray products : does the applied firestop spray overlap the adjacent surfaces properly ?
Yes No N / A
Yes No N / A
Yes No N / A
Yes No N / A Yes No N / A Yes No N / A Yes No N / A
Yes No N / A
Yes No N / A
Yes No N / A
Yes No N / A
Yes No N / A
Yes No N / A
Yes No N / A
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