FireNuggets 2016 November | Page 22

November 2016 FireNuggets, Inc school, or youth football team in this nation that believes they can just show up on game day and figure it out when they get there. We have the known playing fields, equipment, and personnel that would be used when a specific play is called. So, to fit in to the teachings of the Jedi from Nozzle Forward, we have a known starting and a known finishing point. It is up to you and your company to discover how best you can fill in the gray. This is an easy problem to solve but it requires effort, not just on the part of an individual but the when we get there, and it would be slow and inefficient to bring all of the required equipment separately to our objective. “In order to teach a skill, you need to teach the skill, the reason for the skill, and then the skills that surround it.” This is another quote from a recent discussion with Aaron Fields. But it is more than just a good quote, it is a terrific guide to passing along knowledge. I have attempted to convey these principles over the course of this three part article on ground ladders, and I am humbled by the opportunity entire crew. Work to develop plays, task packages for those plays, and then practice executing them until you can do so with muscle memory. This will create a sense of confidence that should translate into positive momentum on the fireground. The most important thing that an offense can do is execute. Execution creates rhythm, rhythm creates momentum, and momentum leads to wins. #end that I have been presented and those of you that took the time to read these words. But, even a three part article on a subject matter can’t truly cover a skill set. I encourage everyone that is taking the time to read this article to continue reading and learning. But most importantly I encourage you to practice, and to practice with purpose. Don’t simply throw ground ladders, remove them from the apparatus and bring the task packages that might encompass a certain play in your playbook. If you don’t have a playbook, develop one. There isn’t a professional, collegiate, high By Firefighters, For Firefighters ! of 34 22 !