Fire Safe Management and Technical Awareness 24.2 | Page 10

HTM 05-01 Fire Code Matrix Find a Course That Suits You

Fire Safety Management Structure
The management of Fire Safety within a healthcare premises can be categorised into 3 main ' levels ' of responsibility .
The Fire Safety Management Structure
Level & Premises
Level 1 : Acute Hospital , Mental Health Hospital and Diagnostic and Treatment Centres
Level 2 : Minor Injuries Unit , Primary Care Centre , Multiple GP ' s , Minor Treatment and Dental Provisions
Typical Policies and Procedures
• Identifying changes to risk ( Proactive )
• Initiating maintenance or repair
• Organise training in all aspects of fire safety
• Logging and auditing routine
• Liaise with the fire and rescue service
• Contingency planning
• Identifying impact of changes to risk ( Reactive )
• Shared responsibility for fire safety
• Trained in all aspects of fire
• Delivering required permits , logs and audits
• Periodic monitoring of the fire safety system , ensuring equipment is fully functional ( Reactive )
• Liaise with the fire and rescue service
• Contingency planning
Level 3 : Small GP Practice • Identifying changes to risk periodically
• Utilises third party fire safety systems
• Periodic fire safety training
• No system of communication with the fire and rescue service
• Minimal contingency planning
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