F.I.R.E. Newsletter Q3 2017 Quarter 4 2017 | Page 4

F. I. R. E. It Is Our Desire for Fully Informed, Reverenced & Encouraged NEWSLETTER Every Soul To Catch On Fire! Quarter 4, 2017 Cyber Crime Cyber criminals affected the online businesses and individuals since the internet networks first appeared and spread all over the world. Internet services and websites make it easy for us to pay bills, shop, make online reservations and even work. And you can do any of these actions from any [email protected] place in the world. Old boundaries and human limitations were dropped, in order for us to have access to almost any information. Our lives became so much easier. But the same thing is true for CRIME. Our freedom to navigate and access a wide number of online locations represents in the same time a main vulnerability, because an open door always allows access in both directions. Attack methods and tools vary from traditional attack vectors, which use malicious software and vulnerabilities present in almost all the programs and apps (even in the popular Windows operating systems), to ingenious phishing scams deployed from unexpected regions of the world, where justice can’t easily reach out to catch the eventual perpetrators. The most common ways for you to become vulnerable to a malware attack or phishing scam usually happen when you: shop online, check your email and access social media networks. …….. Cyber Security We have to be just as vigilant about protecting our information as the criminals are about stealing it. This is the latest scam email I received supposedly from Netflix:  Legitimate businesses will not email you asking for credit card information  I always check to see who the email is actually from. You can name your email account anything.  Never call the phone number listed in the email. 080 is the area code for the Philippines. Get an old bill or look the company up on line to get their legitimate phone no.  Finally, I do not have a Netflix account. ………….By Patricia Stafford