Fire Code of the Philippines Ebook - Fire Code of the Philippines eBook - SafetySignsPH | Page 72
be placed in or adjacent to any exit in such a manner as to confuse
the direction of exit.
4. Exit access shall be arranged that it will not be necessary to travel
toward any area of high hazard occupancy in order to reach the
nearest exit, unless the path is protected by suitable partitions.
L. Exterior Ways of Exit Access
1. Access to an exit may be by means of any exterior balcony, porch,
gallery, or roof that conforms to the requirements of this Section.
2. Exterior ways of access shall have smooth, solid floors, substantially
level, and shall have guards on the unenclosed sides at least
equivalent to those specified in paragraph “H” of Section of
this IRR.
3. A permanent, reasonably straight path of travel shall be maintained
over the required exterior way of exit access. There shall be no
obstruction by railings, barriers, or gates that divide the open space
into sections appurtenant to individual rooms, apartments, or other
uses. Where the City/Municipal Fire Marshal having jurisdiction finds
that the required path of travel is obstructed by furniture or other
movable objects, he shall require their removal. However, if the width
of the exterior way of exit access is greater than the required path of
travel, he may permit the relocation of such furniture to one side so
that they are out of the path's way. Such furniture shall then be
fastened so they can no longer be moved. Alternatively, he may
require that railings or other permanent barriers be installed to protect
the path of travel against encroachment.
4. An exterior way of exit access shall be arranged so that there are no
dead-ends in excess of six meters (6 m) in length.
5. Any gallery, balcony, bridge, porch or other exterior exit access that
projects beyond the outside wall of a building shall comply with the
requirements of this Division as to width and arrangement.
M. Discharge from Exits
1. All exits shall terminate directly at a public way or at an exit discharge.
Yards, courts, open space, or other portions of the exit discharge shall
be of required width and size to provide all occupants with a safe
access to a public way.
2. Where permitted for individual occupancies by Divisions 8 through 17
of this Chapter, a maximum of fifty (50) percent of the exits may
discharge through areas on the floor of discharge provided all of the
following requirements are met: