Fire Code of the Philippines Ebook - Fire Code of the Philippines eBook - SafetySignsPH | Page 419
pressure, except when dissolved in a suitable solvent in cylinders
manufactured according to internationally recognized safe practice.
Acetylene gas shall not be brought in contact with unalloyed copper
except in a blowpipe torch.
J. Oxygen shall never be used from a cylinder or cylinder manifold unless a
pressure-regulating device intended for use with oxygen, and so marked,
is provided.
K. Fuel gas shall never be used from cylinders, through torches or other
device equipped with shut-off valves without reducing the pressure
through a suitable regulator attached to the cylinder valve manifold.
L. Cylinders, valves, regulators, hose and other apparatus and fittings
containing or using oxygen shall be kept free from oil or grease. Oxygen
cylinders, apparatus and fittings shall not be handled with oily hands or
gloves or greasy materials.
M. Oxygen and fuel gas cylinder and acetylene generators shall be placed
far away enough from the welding position so that they will not be unduly
heated by radiation from heated materials, by sparks or slag, or by
misdirection of the torch flame.
N. No gas welding or cutting shall be done in or near rooms or locations
where flammable liquids or vapors, lint, dust, or loose combustible stocks,
are so located or arranged that sparks or hot metal from the welding or
cutting operations may cause ignition or explosion of such materials.
O. Valves of cylinders used for hotworks operations shall be properly closed
and the lines bled after use or when not in actual use. It is the
responsibility of the PAI to oversee such measure every after hotworks
operations is done.
P. Oil or grease shall not be used for lubrication of welding, cutting and
hotworkss equipment.
Q. The use of liquid acetylene is prohibited.
R. Liquid oxygen
This provision shall be enforced in consonance with Section of
this IRR. Where liquid oxygen in a quantity exceeding three hundred
eighty liters (380ℓ) is to be used for welding and cutting, the container or
containers shall be located outside or in a special building having no
other occupancy except that related to the handling and gasification of
the oxygen.