Fire Code of the Philippines Ebook - Fire Code of the Philippines eBook - SafetySignsPH | Page 56

c. Occupant characterization- description of any changes from FALAR 1. If none, a statement saying none. d. Structural requirements and separation of building description of authorized changes from FALAR 1. spaces and e. Exit and Egress i. Calculations (for changes and variances) ii. Description of authorized major changes to FALAR 1. iii. Egress calculation for variances from code requirements. f. Fire Suppression Systems i. Description of authorized major changes to FALAR 1. ii. Calculations for major changes (maybe included in appendices) g. Fire detection, alarm, communication and evacuation systems i. Description of authorized major changes. ii. Calculation for major changes. iii. Testing, commissioning and acceptance data of the fire alarm and detection system. iv. Testing, commissioning and acceptance data including fire and jockey pumps h. Smoke Control Management i. Description of Authorized Changes ii. Calculation for major changes iii. Testing, commissioning and acceptance data for smoke exhaust and pressurization blowers i. Emergency Power Supply i. Description of authorized changes ii. Calculation for major changes iii. Testing, commissioning and acceptance data of the generator set. j. Other issues including testing and commissioning of the elevator recall system. C. FALAR 3 - Documentation on the required periodic maintenance and upkeep of the fire and life-safety features of the facility. (It consists of a written report prepared by the building owner, his fire safety officer or his authorized representative. This is a compilation of the 40