Fire Code of the Philippines Ebook - Fire Code of the Philippines eBook - SafetySignsPH | Page 476
A. All administrative actions under the Fire Code and its IRR, by an Officer
pursuant to Rule 13 of this IRR shall be appealable to the next higher
authority within fifteen (15) days from receipt of the pertinent order or
notice. For this purpose, next higher authority refers to: District Fire
Marshal/Provincial Fire Marshal if the decision was made by the
City/Municipal Fire Marshal having jurisdiction; the Regional Director, for
the decisions of District Fire Marshal/Provincial Fire Marshal having
jurisdiction; the Chief BFP, for the decisions of the Regional Director; and
lastly the Secretary, DILG for decisions of the Chief, BFP.
B. The decisions of the said appellate authorities are final and executory
except in cases of stoppage of operation and closure of buildings where
appeal may be elevated up to the Secretary, DILG. Decisions of the
Secretary, DILG shall be final and executory.
A. Cooperation with BFP
The Fire Code and its IRR are designed to achieve fire safety in the
community. To this end, inspections are to be conducted by elements of
the BFP. All inspections of premises shall be done by duly designated and
authorized BFP personnel in distinctive uniform, with proper identification
cards and mission orders. Citizens can assist in achieving the goals of
public fire safety by cooperating with such duly authorized inspectors and
affording them the opportunity to accomplish their mission.
B. Individual and Group Initiative
All persons are encouraged to inspect their own premises and to abate
any fire hazard therein, as well as take the necessary fire safety
precautions. They shall strive to organize themselves into effective fire
safety and fire prevention organizations in their community and places of
work in order for them to take the necessary contingent actions during fire
emergencies and eventually avoid unnecessary loss of life and property.
The Chief, BFP shall have the authority to issue such further implementing
details as may be necessary to carry out the provisions of RA 9514 and these
Rules and Regulations, with the approval of the Secretary, DILG.