Fire Code of the Philippines Ebook - Fire Code of the Philippines eBook - SafetySignsPH | Page 473
a. Fire protection features such as sprinkler systems, hose boxes, hose
reels or standpipe system and other fire fighting equipment;
b. Termination of all exits in area affording sale passage to a public
way or safe dispersal area;
c. Stairways, vertical shafts, horizontal exits and other means of egress
sealed from smoke and heat;
d. Self-closing fire resistive door leading to corridors;
e. Fire dampers in centralized air-conditioning ducts; or
f. Roof vents for use by fire fighters; and
4. Other violations similar to or of the same nature as any of the above,
but not included in this listing, shall likewise be allocated the same
A. Against Private Person
1. Administrative Penalties
a. The owner, administrator, occupant or other person responsible for
the condition of the building, structure and their premises or
facilities who violates any provision of the Fire Code or any of its
implementing rules and regulations shall be penalized by:
i. Administrative fine of not exceeding Fifty thousand pesos
(P50,000.00); or
ii. Stoppage of operations or by closure of such buildings,
structures and their premises or facilities which do not comply
with the requirements; or
iii. Both such administrative fine and closure/stoppage of
operation to be imposed by the proper authorities.
Provided that, payment of the fine, stoppage of operations and/or
closure of such buildings, structures, and their premises or facilities
shall not absolve the violator from correcting the deficiency or
abating the fire hazard.
2. Punitive Penalties
a. In case of willful failure to correct the deficiency or abate the fire
hazard as provided in the preceding subsection, the violator shall,
upon conviction, be punished by: