Fire Code of the Philippines Ebook - Fire Code of the Philippines eBook - SafetySignsPH | Page 470
4. Overcrowding or admission of person beyond the authorized capacity
in movie houses, theaters, coliseums, auditorium or other public
assembly buildings except in other assembly areas on the ground floor
with open sides or open doors sufficient to provide exits;
5. Locking fire exits during periods when people are inside the building;
6. Prevention or obstruction of the automatic closure of fire doors or
smoke partitions or dampers;
7. Use of fire protective or fire fighting equipment of the Fire Service other
than for fire fighting except in other emergencies where their use are
8. Giving false or malicious fire alarms;
9. Smoking in prohibited areas as may be determined by the Fire Service,
or throwing cigars, cigarettes, or burning objects in places which may
start or cause fires;
10. Removing, destroying, tampering or obliterating any authorized mark,
seal sign, or tag posted or required by the Fire Service for fire safety in
any building, structure or processing equipment;
11. Use of jumpers or tampering with electrical wiring or overloading the
electrical system beyond its designed capacity or such other practices
that tend to undermine the fire safety features of the electrical system;
12. Failure to observe fire safety precaution for the following:
a. Hot ashes, live coals and embers;
b. Flammable paints, varnishes, stains and organic coatings;
c. Flammable and combustible liquids or gases of any classification;
d. Metallic magnesium in any form;
e. Blasting agents, explosives and special industrial, explosive
materials, blasting caps, black powder, dynamic, nitrocellulose,
fulminates of any kind, and plastic explosives containing
ammonium salt or chlorate;
f. Liquid nitroglycerine and liquid trinitrotoluoene;
g. Firework materials of any kind of form;
h. Explosive dusts and vapors;