Fire Code of the Philippines Ebook - Fire Code of the Philippines eBook - SafetySignsPH | Page 465

B. Failure to Pay Fine. – Failure on the part of the violator to pay the administrative fine within the period fixed in the Notice shall constitute a ground for the issuance of an Order for Stoppage of Operation of the building or the portion thereof or stoppage of the hazardous operation in such building. SECTION JURISDICTION A. Fines 1. Fines up to thirty thousand pesos (PhP 30,000.00) shall be imposed by the City/Municipal Fire Marshal having jurisdiction. 2. Fines exceeding thirty thousand pesos but not more than forty thousand pesos (PhP 40,000.00) shall be imposed by the Provincial/District Fire Marshal having jurisdiction. 3. Fines exceeding forty thousand pesos up to fifty thousand pesos (PhP 50,000.00) shall be imposed by the Regional Director having jurisdiction. B. Stoppage of Operation/Closure of Buildings This penalty shall be imposed by the Regional Director upon the recommendation of the City/Municipal Fire Marshal having jurisdiction thru channel. The implementation of this order may be delegated to the Provincial/District Fire Marshal having jurisdiction. C. Declaration of Public Nuisance The declaration of a building, structure or facility as a public nuisance pursuant to Section 9 of RA 9514 shall be made by the Chief, BFP upon the recommendation of the City/Municipal Fire Marshal having jurisdiction thru channel. D. Abatement 1. Orders for simple abatement such as removal of fire hazardous materials, removal of obstruction to exit ways or means of egress or similar actions that do not entail financial expenditures on the part of violator, shall be issued by the City/Municipal Fire Marshal having jurisdiction concerned. 2. Orders for abatement involving alteration, modification or repair of equipment, machinery, protective systems, buildings, structures, or facilities shall be issued by the Provincial/District Fire Marshal having jurisdiction. 449