Fire Code of the Philippines Ebook - Fire Code of the Philippines eBook - SafetySignsPH | Page 457

iii. The biological properties of the substance. Without limiting the definition of hazardous material, all dangerous goods, combustible liquids and chemicals are hazardous materials. 2. Failure to provide safety measures for the following hazardous operations or processes as required in Section 7, paragraph (c) of the Republic Act No. 9514. a. Welding or soldering PhP 400.00 to PhP 4,000.00 b. Industrial baking and drying PhP 4,000.00 to PhP 8,000.00 c. Waste Disposal PhP 4,000.00 to PhP 8,000.00 d. Pressurized/forced-draft burning equipment PhP 4,000.00 to PhP 8,000.00 e. Smelting and forging PhP 8,000.00 to PhP 12,500.00 f. Motion picture projection using electrical arc lamp PhP 400.00 to PhP 4,000.00 g. Refining, distillation and solvent extraction PhP 8,000.00 to PhP 12,500.00 441