Fire Code of the Philippines Ebook - Fire Code of the Philippines eBook - SafetySignsPH | Page 451

ii. Other flammable gases in liter water capacity STORAGE CAPACITY (in liters) From 20 to 100 Over 100 to 400 Over 400 to 2,000 Over 2,000 to 8,000 Over 8,000 to 40,000 Over 40,000 to 200,000 Over 200,000 to 400,000 Over 400,000 ANNUAL FEES (in PhP) 6.00 12.00 36.00 72.00 180.00 360.00 540.00 900.00 2. Conveyance Clearance Fee – Conveyance Clearance shall be issued to vehicles transporting any explosives, inflammable liquids and combustible materials over the street of, or through pipelines, or to load or unload such explosives, inflammable liquids or combustible materials in or from any vessel, boat or craft, or railway upon payment of fee based on their capacity as indicated: a. For every conveyance clearance issued on cargo trucks or motor vehicles with a load capacity not exceeding 2,000 liters of inflammable liquid with a flash point of 93.3 o C payable annually …………………………………..…. i. For every additional 400 liters or fraction thereof…… b. For every conveyance clearance issued on cargo trucks or motor vehicles with a load capacity of not exceeding 500 kilograms of explosives and/or combustible materials, including hazardous chemicals and gases payable annually……………………………...….. i. PhP 500.00 20.00 PhP 300.00 For every additional 100 kilos or fraction thereof …….. 20.00 c. For every conveyance clearance issued on tank trucks, tank trailers, and tank semi-trailers carrying inflammable liquids described in sub-paragraph “a” hereof with 2,000 liters capacity tanks which shall be good for period of one (1) year ……………………………………………………… PhP 500.00 435