Fire Code of the Philippines Ebook - Fire Code of the Philippines eBook - SafetySignsPH | Page 440

DIVISION 5. INCINERATOR Incinerators shall comply with the Implementing Rules and Regulations of Republic Act No. 8749 “Clean Air Act”. DIVISION 6. USE OF EQUIPMENT, APPLIANCES, DEVICES AND VACANT BUILDINGS SECTION TOY BALLOONS No person without any authority from the City/Municipal Fire Marshall having jurisdiction shall inflate any toy balloon or other similar device with any toxic, explosive or flammable gas, or sell, give away or furnish any such balloon/device when so inflated. Open flame shall be prohibited in the vicinity where toy balloons are inflated, or where inflated toy balloons are present. SECTION TRACER BULLETS AND SIMILAR DEVICES No person shall, possess or fire or discharge or cause to be fired any tracer bullet or tracer charge, or any type of projectile or device, such as fireworks, that discharges smoldering or flammable material, in any brush or grass- covered area, or any area where flammable materials are present. SECTION ASPHALT KETTLES It shall be unlawful to transport over any highway, road or street any asphalt kettle beneath which is being heated by an open fire, coals or ashes. Heating of asphalt kettles inside or on the roof of any building shall be done only with authority from the C/MFM having jurisdiction concerned. There shall be at least one approved fire extinguisher of a minimum 12-B or C classification within nine meters (9 m) of each asphalt kettle being heated and one additional fire extinguisher of 16-B or C classification in the area of work being covered. SECTION ELECTRICAL WIRING AND OTHER DEVICES A. Use and Installation It shall be unlawful to use and/or install any electrical wiring appliance, apparatus or device in violation of the Philippine Electrical Code. B. Fire Hazard The City/Municipal Fire Marshall having jurisdiction shall notify the local Building Official of the existence of any hazardous electrical installation. He may order the use of such installation discontinued immediately until correction or the hazard be effected. 424