Fire Code of the Philippines Ebook - Fire Code of the Philippines eBook - SafetySignsPH | Page 42

SECTION COMPONENTS The equipment that must be put into service at a fire or other related emergencies will determine the number of men required for each operating unit or company into which the brigade is organized, and the total number may be composed of two or more individuals to operate a specific item of equipment or a larger group to perform more complicated operations. Each fire brigade shall have a Leader or a Chief. In his absence, an Assistant Chief shall be appointed. SECTION DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES OF A FIRE BRIGADE CHIEF A. He/She shall be responsible for the development of fire prevention programs and plans of action for the company or organization to address possible fire situation in the plant or community, subject to the approval of the company or establishment head or fire prevention officer; B. He/She shall initiate the procurement of necessary firefighting equipment and supplies for use of the brigades; C. He/She shall conduct periodic evaluation of all equipment available for firefighting and be responsible for setting in motion necessary procedures for replacing missing equipment or correction of inoperative equipment; D. He/She shall also bring to the immediate attention of the company or establishment head, or his fire prevention officer, any situation that would likely reduce the effectiveness of firefighting operations; E. He/She shall ensure that the brigades are suitably staffed, conduct periodic review of the fire brigade roster and prepare recommendations on the need for additional members to be selected, appointed and made available to beef up the team; F. He/She shall prepare training programs for the members of the fire brigade and supervise its implementation; and G. In his/her absence, the Deputy Fire Brigade Chief shall assume and perform the duties and responsibilities of the Fire Brigade Chief. SECTION QUALIFICATION FOR MEMBERSHIP IN THE COMPANY FIRE BRIGADE Members of the fire brigade shall consist of persons who have met qualifications appropriate for the fire brigade work. For establishments, members must be taken from the roster of its own workforce. The head of the company shall identify the persons who are fit to perform fire operation activities and further assign them to specific fire suppression positions. 26