Fire Code of the Philippines Ebook - Fire Code of the Philippines eBook - SafetySignsPH | Page 409

4. An approved fire alarm system shall be provided. 5. All fire protection system installed shall be properly maintained and tested periodically. 6. In the absence of automatic sprinkler system, standpipe and hose systems shall be installed. One and a half inches (1 ½ in.), or two and a half inches (2 ½ in.), or a combination of both hose connections with combination nozzles/ spray nozzles shall be used. C. Maintenance 1. The cleaning of tanks or vessels which have previously contained flammable or combustible liquids shall only be done under the supervision of competent persons who understand the fire and explo- sion potentials of the tanks. 2. When necessary to make repairs involving welding and cutting or hotworks, the work shall be authorized by the plant superintendent or responsible individual in charge before the work is started. 3. When necessary to enter a tank, pit manhole or other confined spaces, such entry can be authorized by the responsible individuals in charge. 4. Power operated industrial trucks shall be of a type approved for the location. 5. Open flames and direct-fired heating devices shall be prohibited in areas where flammable vapor-air mixture may exist. 6. Smoking shall be prohibited except in designated safe areas. An approved “NO SMOKING” sign shall be posted in all hazardous areas. 7. Empty containers previously used for flammable or combustible liquids shall be removed to a well detached outside location and if not cleaned on the premises, the empty container shall be removed from the plant immediately. 8. Storage in containers outside of buildings shall conform to applicable provisions of this IRR. 9. Adequate aisles shall be maintained for the unobstructed movement of personnel and fire protection equipment. 393