Fire Code of the Philippines Ebook - Fire Code of the Philippines eBook - SafetySignsPH | Page 381

7. "NO SMOKING OR OPEN FLAMES" signs in letters on contrasting color background shall be conspicuously posted at all powder coating areas and powder storage rooms. 8. These provisions shall apply to finely ground particles protective finishing material applied in dry powder form by one of the following methods: a. Fluidized bed b. Electrostatic fluidized bed c. Powder spray guns d. Electrostatic powder spray guns 9. Each method requires certain essential protective measures, which shall be compatible with the method employed. SECTION ORGANIC PEROXIDES AND DUAL COMPONENT COATINGS A. Operation 1. Extreme care should be exercised at all times in preventing the contamination of organic peroxide formulations with any foreign substance. Only spray guns and related handling equipment specifically manufactured for use with organic peroxide formulations shall be used. Separate pressure vessels/air handling fluid equipment shall be used for the resin and for the catalyst and they shall not be interchanged. 2. The wetted portion of the equipment and apparatus that handle organic peroxides formulations shall be made of stainless steel (300 series), polyethylene, Teflon, or other materials specifically recommended for the application. B. Protection and Maintenance 1. Organic peroxides shall be stored in a cool detached building apart from other finishing materials. Only minimum daily requirements shall be brought to the processing area. Such material remaining at the spraying station at the end of a day's operation shall be carefully disposed of. Organic peroxides shall be kept away from all sources of heat including steam pipes, radiators, open flames or sparks and solar radiation. 2. Care shall be exercised in handling organic peroxide formulations to avoid shock and friction, which can cause decomposition and violent reaction. 3. Organic peroxides shall not be mixed directly with any cobalt 365