Fire Code of the Philippines Ebook - Fire Code of the Philippines eBook - SafetySignsPH | Page 282

b. Service stations or portions thereof where flammable gases such as but not limited to liquefied petroleum gases (LPG), liquefied natural gases (LNG), or compressed natural gases (CNG) shall be governed in a separate rule. c. Buildings used for office, grocery store, rest room, utility room and the like shall conform to the succeeding paragraphs hereof. i. The service station location standard for facilities, clearances and distance applicable to all kinds of lots from mid-block lot, corner lot and passing-thru lot shall comply with the standards set forth under Philippine National Standard on “Petroleum Products-Retail Outlet-Health, Safety and Environment” - PNS/DOE FS 1-1:2005. ii. Apparatuses dispensing Class I flammable liquids into the fuel tanks of motor vehicles of the public shall not be located at a bulk plant unless separated by a fence or similar barrier from the area in which bulk operations are conducted. iii. Tanks shall be located to minimize the amount of maneuvering necessary for the tank truck making the product delivery to reach the fill openings whenever possible. Deliveries shall be accomplished without the need for the truck to move or travel in reverse. iv. Tanks shall be located so that the tank truck making the product delivery will not be on public right of way, block motorists’ views of roadway, or impede the flow of vehicles or pedestrians. v. Tank edge shall not be less than one meter (1 m) from the property line or any other buildings or structures. If soil stability creates concern, qualified professional assistance is recommended. vi. Underground tanks or tanks under buildings shall be so located with respect to existing building foundation and support so that the load carried by the latter cannot be transmitted to the tanks. vii. Dispensing devices at automobile service stations shall be located that all parts of a vehicle being serviced are within the premises of the service station. viii. Dispensing devices at automobile service stations shall be located not less than six (6) meters from any building openings and public ways. Such dispensing devices shall also be so located that the nozzle, when hose is fully extended, shall not 266