Fire Code of the Philippines Ebook - Fire Code of the Philippines eBook - SafetySignsPH | Page 265

7. The entire dust collection system shall be constructed of conductive material and shall be completely bonded and grounded. it shall not be provided with filters or other obstructions; 8. Dry dust collectors shall be located outside, in a safe location, and shall be provided with barriers or other means. the area around the collector shall be posted with the following: “CAUTION: THIS DUST COLLECTOR CAN CONTAIN EXPLOSIBLE DUST. KEEP OUTSIDE THE MARKED AREA WHILE EQUIPMENT IS OPERATING.” 9. All machines shall be provided with a pan or tray to catch chips or turnings, where they shall be collected every day. Magnesium fines shall be kept separated from other combustible materials; 10. All electric wiring, fixtures and equipment in the immediate vicinity of and attached to dust-producing machines, including those used in connection with separator equipment shall be of types approved for used in class ii, group e hazardous (see building code) and installed in accordance with the Philippine Electrical Code; 11. The power supply to the dust-producing equipment shall be interlocked with the airflow from the exhaust blower and the liquid level controller of the wet-type dust collector; 12. All equipment shall be securely grounded by permanent ground wires; 13. In powder handling or manufacturing buildings and in the operation of dust-conveying systems, every precaution shall be taken to avoid sparks from static electricity, electrical faults, friction, or impact (e.g., iron or steel articles on stones, on each other, or on concrete); 14. Heat treating ovens -approved means shall be provided for control of magnesium fire in heat treating ovens; 15. Melt rooms shall provide access to facilitate fire control. floors shall be of noncombustible construction and be kept clean and free of moisture and standing water; 16. Operators in melting and casting areas shall wear flame-resistant clothing, high foundry shoes, and face protection. Clothing worn where molten magnesium is present shall have no exposed pockets or cuffs; 17. Systematic cleaning of the entire grinding area, including roof members, pipes, conduits, etc. shall be carried out daily. Periodic inspections on buildings and machinery shall be carried out as frequently as conditions warrant. 249