Fire Code of the Philippines Ebook - Fire Code of the Philippines eBook - SafetySignsPH | Page 253

Table 15: STANDARDS OF VENTING FOR THE STORAGE AND HANDLING OF COMBUSTIBLE COMMODITIES HAZARD CLASSIFICATION Low Average High Very High VENT AREA TO FLOOR AREA RATIO 14.00 9.30 4.70 2.80 MAXIMUM SPACING BETWEEN VENT CENTERS 50 meters 40 meters 30 meters 23 meters d. Vents shall consist of automatic roof vents equipped with a fusible link designed to release prior to sprinkler operation, or roof openings covered with approved plastic that will melt when heated and drop out prior to sprinkler operation. Windows shall be equipped with single thickness glass or plastic panels. e. Aisles separating combustible commodities shall be not less than two hundred forty centimeters (240 cm) in width. Aisles separating commodities more than six meters (6m) in height shall be not less than three meters (3m) in width. Main aisles shall be located beneath draft curtains. Stock piles shall not extend beyond or beneath a draft curtain. Aisles not less than one thousand one hundred eighteen millimeters (1,118 mm) in width shall be established to provide access to exits and firefighters’ access doors. Aisles shall be kept clear of storage, waste materials and debris at all times. f. Firefighters’ access door, aisles and exit doors shall not be obstructed. Access shall be provided at ground level for firefighting. There shall be at least one (1) door not less than two meters (2 m) in height for each thirty lineal meters (30 m). Metal roll- up doors are not allowed for such purpose. g. The structural integrity of racks shall be maintained. Clearance between ignition sources, such as light fixtures, heaters and flame- producing devices, and combustible materials shall be maintained. Smoking shall be prohibited and a “NO SMOKING” sign shall be posted in conspicuous places. 2. Factors to be considered in the storage of common commodities: a. Method and Height of Stock Piling i. Bulk storage - consists of piles of loose, free-flowing materials, including powder, granules, pellets, or flakes, and agricultural items. The commodities are typically stored in silos, bins, tanks, or in large piles on the floor. ii. Solid piling - consists of cartons, boxes, bales, bags, etc., in direct contact with each other. Air spaces or flues exist only 237