Fire Code of the Philippines Ebook - Fire Code of the Philippines eBook - SafetySignsPH | Page 209

mercantile occupancies, except as provided herein. 3. Exit Details a. Every covered mall shall have no less than two (2) exits located remote from each other. b. No less than one-half (0.5) the required exit widths for each Class A or Class B store connected to a covered mall shall lead directly outside without passing through the mall. c. Every mall shall be provided with unobstructed exit access, parallel to and adjacent to the connected buildings: This exit access shall extend to each mall exit. d. In no case shall an exit access through a covered mall be less than three (3) meters and sixty six centimeters (66 cm) in clear width. DIVISION 14. BUSINESS OCCUPANCIES SECTION GENERAL REQUIREMENTS A. Classification of Occupancy Business Occupancies shall include all buildings and structures or parts thereof with occupancy described in Division 3 of this Chapter. B. Classification of Hazard of Contents The contents of business occupancies shall be classified as ordinary hazard in accordance with Division 4 of this Chapter. For purposes of the design of an automatic fire suppression system, as office occupancy shall be classified as "Light hazard occupancy". C. Occupant Load 1. For purposes of determining required exits, the occupant load of business purposes shall be no less than one (1) person per nine and three tenths square meters (9.3 m 2 ) of gross floor area. 2. In the case of mezzanine or balcony open to the floor below of other unprotected vertical openings between floors, the occupant load of the mezzanine or other subsidiary floor level shall be added to that of the street floor for the purpose of determining required exits. However, in no case shall the total number of exit units be less than would be required if all vertical openings were enclosed. 193