Fire Code of the Philippines Ebook - Fire Code of the Philippines eBook - SafetySignsPH | Page 20
Blasting Agent. Any material or mixture consisting of a fuel and oxidizer used
to set off explosives.
Blowout. A sudden release of oil and gas from a well.
Boiling point. The temperature at which the vapor pressure of a liquid equals
the surrounding atmospheric pressure. Where an accurate boiling point is
unavailable for the material in question, or for mixture which do not have a
constant boiling point, for purposes of this classification the ten percent (10%)
point of distillation performed in accordance with the Standard Method of
Test for Distillation of Petroleum Products ASTM D-86-62, may be used as the
boiling point of the liquid.
Boil-over. The expulsion of crude oil (or certain other liquids) from a burning
tank in which the light fractions of the crude oil burn off producing a heat
wave in the residue, which on reaching a water strata may result in the
explosion of the portion of the contents of the tank in the form of a froth.
Brine. Any liquid cooled by the refrigerant and used for the transmission of
heat without a change in its state, having no flash point or a flash point
above sixty five and six-tenths Celsius (65.6°C) as determined by the
American Society of Testing Materials Method D93.
Brush. Land covered with a dense undergrowth of small trees and brushes.
Bulk Oxygen System. An assembly of equipment, such as oxygen storage
containers, pressure regulators, safety devices, vaporizers, manifolds, and
interconnecting piping, that has a storage capacity of more than five
hundred sixty six cubic meters (566 m 3 ) of oxygen including unconnected
reserves on hand at the site.
Bulk Plant. That portion of a property where liquids are received by tank
vessel, pipelines, tank cars, or tank vehicle, and are stored or blended in bulk
for the purpose of distributing such liquids by tank vessels, pipeline, tank car,
tank vehicle, portable tank or container.
Bulkhead. A liquid-tight closure between compartments of a cargo tank.
Cargo Tank. Any tank having a liquid capacity more than four hundred fifty
liters (450ℓ) used for carrying flammable and combustible liquids and
mounted permanently or otherwise upon a tank vehicle. The term “cargo
tank” does not apply to any container used solely for the purpose of
supplying fuel for the propulsion of the tank vehicle upon which it is mounted.
Cellulose Nitrate or Nitro Cellulose. A highly combustible and explosive
compound produced by the reaction of nitric acid with a cellulose material.
Cellulose Nitrate Plastic (Pyroxylin). Any plastic substance, materials or
compound having cellulose nitrate (nitro cellulose) as base.