Fire Code of the Philippines Ebook - Fire Code of the Philippines eBook - SafetySignsPH | Page 198
3. All exits shall be arranged to provide a safe path of travel to the
outside of the building without traversing any corridor or space
exposed to an unprotected vertical opening.
4. Any sleeping room below the street floor shall have direct access to
the outside or the building.
C. Alarm System
A manual fire alarm system shall be provided in accordance with Section of this IRR.
A. General
This Section covers detached single and two family dwellings as specified
in Section of this IRR. Where the occupancy is so limited, the only
requirements applicable are those in this Section.
B. Means of Escape Requirements
1. Number, Type and Access to Means of Escape
a. In any dwelling of more than two (2) rooms, every room used for
sleeping, living or dining purposes shall have at least two (2) means
of escape at least one (1) of which shall be a door or stairway
providing a means of unobstructed travel to the outside of the
building at street or ground level. No room or space shall be
occupied for living or sleeping purposes which is accessible only by
a ladder, folding stairs or through a trap door.
b. Every sleeping room shall have at least one (1) outside window.
Such window could be opened from the inside, without the use of
tools, keys or special effort or knowledge to provide a clear
opening of not less than five hundred sixty millimeters (560 mm) in
width and eight hundred millimeters (800 mm) in height. The
bottom of the opening shall be not more than one hundred twenty
two centimeters (122 cm) above the floor, except if the room has
two (2) doors providing separate ways of escape or has a door
leading directly outside of the building.
c. No required path of travel to the outside from any room shall be
through another room or apartment not under the immediate
control of the occupant of the first room or his family, not through a
bathroom or other space subject to locking.
d. No exit access from sleeping rooms to outside shall be less than
ninety centimeters (90 cm) wide.