Fire Code of the Philippines Ebook - Fire Code of the Philippines eBook - SafetySignsPH | Page 194
2. Number of Exits
a. Every living unit shall have access to at least two (2) separate exits.
Exception 1: Any living unit, which has an exit directly to the street
or yard at ground level or by way of an outside stairway that serve
a maximum of two units or an enclosed stairway with fire-resistance
rating of one (1) hour or more serving that apartment only and not
communicating with any floor below the floor of exit discharge or
other area not a part of the apartment served, may have a single
Exception 2: Apartment buildings of not more than three storeys in
height with not more than six (6) living units per floor, with a smoke-
proof enclosure or an outside stairway as the exit, immediately
accessible to all apartments served thereby, may have a single
Exception 3: Any building not more than three (3) storeys in height
with no floor below the floor of exit discharge or, in case there is
such a floor, with the street floor construction of at least one-hour
fire resistance, may have a single exit, under the following
i. The stairway is completely enclosed with a partition having a
fire resistance rating of at least one (1) hour with self-closing fire
doors protecting all openings between the stairway enclosed
and the building.
ii. The stairway does not serve any floor below the floor of exit dis-
iii. All corridors serving as access to exits at least a one (1) hour fire-
resistance rating.
iv. There is not more than six and one-tenth meters (6.10 m) of
travel distance to reach an exit from entrance door of any living
3. Minimum Corridor Width
a. Corridors with a required capacity of more than 50 persons shall be
of sufficient width to accommodate the required occupant load
but have a width of not less than one hundred twelve centimeters
(112 cm).
b. Corridors with a required capacity of not more than 50 persons shall
not be less than ninety one centimeters (91 cm).