Fire Code of the Philippines Ebook - Fire Code of the Philippines eBook - SafetySignsPH | Page 173

inpatients for sleeping or treatment and any storey having an occupant load of fifty (50) or more persons. b. To limit on any storey the maximum area of each smoke compart- ment to no more than two thousand one hundred square meters (2,100 m2), of which both length and width shall be no more than forty six meters (46 m). Note: Protection may be accomplished in conjunction with the provisions of horizontal exits. 2. Smoke partitions shall be provided on storeys which are usable but unoccupied. 3. Any smoke partition shall be constructed in accordance with Section of this IRR and shall have a fire resistance rating of at least one (1) hour. 4. At least two and eight-tenths square meters (2.8 m 2 ) per occupant for the total of bed or litter patients shall be provided on each side of the smoke partition. On other storeys not housing bed or litter patients at least one half square meter (0.5 m 2 ) per occupant shall be provided on each side of the smoke partition for the total number of occupants in adjoining compartments. 5. Corridor openings in smoke partitions shall be protected by a pair of swinging doors, door to swing in a direction opposite from the other. The minimum width of each door for hospitals and nursing homes shall be one hundred twelve centimeters (112 cm), while that for residential- custodial care institutions shall be eighty one centimeters (81 cm). 6. Doors in smoke partitions shall comply with Section of this IRR and shall be self-closing and held open only if they meet the requirements of this section. 7. Vision panels of approved transparent wired glass not exceeding forty six-hundredth square meter (0.46 m2) in steel frames shall be provided in all doors in smoke partitions. 8. Stops are required on the head and sides of door frames in smoke par- titions and center mullions are prohibited. B. Minimum Construction Standards 1. Health care buildings of one (1) storey only may be constructed of protected non-combustible construction, fire-resistive construction, protected ordinary construction, protected wood frame construction, heavy timber construction or unprotected noncombustible construction. For the purpose of this subsection, storeys shall be 157